Past Seminars
Seminar 17: Employment Support Frameworks for People with Psychiatric, Intellectual, and/or Developmental Disabilities (P/IDD) with an Emphasis on Transitional Age Youth (TAY)
Segment 1: Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Job Applicants with Psychiatric /Intellectual/Developmental Delay Disabilities (I/DD). Employee and Employer Rights and Obligations Under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended.
Video: Understanding Employees and Job Applicants with Psychiatric Disabilities in the Workplace
Q&A on Employer / Employee Rights and Obligations
Segment 2: Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Programs (age 15-24 years) for attaining vocational goals to maximize independent living. Individualized plans, including assessment of functional limitations, skills and vocational goals and reasonable accommodations.
Segment 3: Social Security Disability Work Incentive Rules for Title XVI (Supplemental Security Income)
This Seminar was held on June 4, 2018 at the Koret Auditorium, San Francisco Main Library, San Francisco, California.
Janice E. Cohen, MD, Psychiatrist
Steven Bruce, Esq., Legal Director, People With Disabilities Foundation
Patricia Finnegan, Former EEOC Senior Investigator
Theresa Woo, San Francisco District Administrator, State of California Department of Rehabilitation
Aiko Matsumura, LMFT, Community Services Supervisor, Starlight Community Services
Michael Schocket, Director, Caminar Jobs Plus Program
Alex Reyes, DJ Alex Reyes Entertainment
Edward Catli