Past Seminars
Seminar 6: Health Care Issues for People with Psychiatric or Developmental Disabilities
This seminar covered health care issues for people with psychiatric or developmental disabilities in hospital assessments and referrals including emergency room triage
Segment 1 – Current Legal Framework (Equality):
Segment 2 – Emergency Care & Ability to Pay:
Segment 3 – Mandatory Reporting & Involuntary Holds:
This Seminar was held on Thursday May 5, 2005 at the California State Building, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California
Triage Specialist and Emergency Room Doctor: Loren Johnson, M.D., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Fellow of the AmericanCollege of Emergency Physicians, Past Chair, California Commission to Preserve Emergency Care
Psychiatrist: Bernard Sklar, M.D., M. S., Board Certified in Psychiatry and Family Medicine
Mental Health Attorney and Advocate: Pamela Cohen, Esq., Protection and Advocacy, Inc.
Moderator: Steven Bruce, Executive Director of People With Disabilities Foundation